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How To Publish GTM Containers

Google Tag Manager Containers (GTM Containers) are an important part of many digital advertising campaigns. They are small pieces of code that allow Google Tag Manager (GTM) to fire tags.

How to Publish GTM Containers 

1. Log in to GTM.

2. If you have more than one account, navigate to the appropriate container that needs to be published.

3. After reviewing the container, click “Submit” in the upper right-hand corner of the GTM platform.

4. Give the container an appropriate “Version Name” and “Optional Description.” The more descriptive these are, the easier it will be to locate later on.

5 Lastly, click “Publish” in the upper right-hand corner.

Why You Should Do It ASAP

Publishing your GTM container as soon as possible will ensure there is no interruption in campaign performance. For legal reasons, agencies and brands need to publish GTM containers themselves — Pathlabs cannot do it for you.